Holding yourself liable for your content. A Fish Stewarding Group One Minute Message

Holding yourself liable for your content. 

Consider sharing your message as if you were being held liable for it in a court of law.

Are you telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when it comes to your business and business practices?

Would your words, content and marketing hold up if they were being cross examined in court?

Could your promotion, advertising and pitching stand up to an opposing counsel trying to discredit you?

Holding yourself liable for your content…

Consider sharing just the facts along with ways people can vet and verify those facts.

Lastly, consider that when you state only what you can prove and differentiate your opinions from facts, it allows you to stand on a stronger foundation over those stating whatever they want with no care for the truth.

In the end, while many businesses may choose to exaggerate, or flat out lie simply because they can, show an accuracy and an authority by holding yourself, your content and your business liable for everything you say.

Holding yourself liable


Fish Stewarding Group is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side.

FSG is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people.

Fish Stewarding Group includes FSG Messaging and Optics, FSG Development, FSG Living as well as Liberating Water Directive and the FSG Equipping and Learning Centers.

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* FSG Email: MoreInfo@fsgliving.com*
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Holding yourself liable for your content.
A Fish Stewarding Group One Minute Message

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Fish Stewarding Group is bearing the weight of Messaging, Strategy, Finance and Development.