Prices for FSG. A Fish Stewarding Group One Minute Message

Consider this, what if the lack of prices on a website, truly shows an abundance of authority, transparency and honesty?

While the norm for most consulting and business development services is a template, is that what is best for you as an individual business?

The Fish Stewarding Group pricing structure is based on a series of parameters including but not limited to…

Where you stand strong, weak and are flexible…

What you know and what you don’t know…

Where you are with strategy, messaging, finance and development…

Who owns, controls and drives what…

Where your targets and vision currently stand…

And a series of other elements.

FSG believes in the idea of profit at the expense of no one. So with a faithfulness, humility and a fiduciary responsibility, we charge for what is specifically required.

FSG Prices, fish stewarding group calculator

In the end, our authoritative pricing with a stewarding approach considers every business not as a template

but strictly as

an individual business.


Fish Stewarding Group is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side.

FSG is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people.

Fish Stewarding Group includes FSG messaging and Optics, FSG Development, FSG Living as well as Liberating Water Directive and the FSG Equipping and Learning Centers.

* FSG Phone: 325-400-6950 *
* FSG Email:*
FSG Living Podcast On Spotify
* © 2024 Fish Stewarding Group All Rights Reserved ® ℗ *

Prices for FSG. A Fish Stewarding Group One Minute Message

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Fish Stewarding Group is bearing the weight of Messaging, Strategy, Finance and Development.